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Residents (9)

Wednesday, 14 February 2024 15:30

Township Forms

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Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

This act applies to local government institutions, including municipalities; police services boards, school boards, conservation authorities, boards of health and transit commissions. It requires that local government institutions protect the privacy of an individual’s personal information existing in government records. It also gives you the right to request access to municipal government information, including records, containing your personal information.

As a resident, there are methods available to request information informally without creating an official MFIPPA request. The Township recommends that residents approach staff members to discuss any request for information prior to filing a formal request for information. 

Read The Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

Thursday, 16 December 2021 16:22

Land Use & Planning

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The Planning Department establishes policies, regulations and standards guiding land use and development in the Township of Montague and ensures compliance with provincial building regulations.

The Planning Department deals with all matters that fall under the Planning Act including plans of subdivisions, consents, official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments, minor variances, and site plan control.

Download a Land-Use Planning and Development Pamphlet

Download a Planning/Development Application

Applications and Fees



Zoning Certificate


Consent Application – Township Fee

$400.00 for the first lot

$100.00 for subsequent lots on same landholding

Minor Variance Application (Committee of Adjustment)

$750.00 fee

Site Plan Agreement

$500.00 fee + $250.00 deposit

Site Plan Amendment

$250.00 fee + $250.00 deposit

Development Agreement

$250.00 fee + $250.00 deposit

Subdivision Agreement

$2,500.00 fee + $500.00 deposit

Rezoning Applications

$750.00 fee

Official Plan Amendment Applications

$1,000.00 fee

Lifting of Holding Provision $300.00 fee
Deeming By-law $300.00 fee
Other Staff time for technical document review and on-site attendance $50.00/hour
Additional assistance prior to complete application submission beyond initial inquiry and one pre-consultation $50.00/hour


Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Fees

Development Type Cash-in-Lieu Amount
Commercial or Industrial land uses 2% of appraised value
Residential and all other land uses, including Institutional 5% of appraised value
For each new undeveloped lot created through Consent (severed or retained) upon which a residential use would be permitted $1,000.00 per lot



The Fees listed above are non-refundable, administrative charges for all planning applications and services.

Deposits are utilized to pay for all charges incurred by the Township on behalf of the applicant (ie, document registration, advertising).  The balance of any deposits held by the Township will be returned to the applicant upon completion of the file, without interest, less any expenses incurred.

If the amount of the deposit held by the Township is deemed insufficient to cover the incurred costs, the applicant will be required to reimburse the Township, or the amount owing will be collected by the Township pursuant to the remedies available to it by law.

For more information on:

What is the Planning Act?

The Planning Act sets out the ground rules for land use planning in Ontario and describes how land uses may be controlled, and who may control them.

The Act is legislation passed by your elected provincial representatives to:
  • promote sustainable economic development in a healthy natural environment within a provincial policy framework
  • provide for a land use planning system led by provincial policy
  • integrate matters of provincial interest into provincial and municipal planning decisions by requiring that all decisions shall be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement when decision-makers exercise planning authority or provide advice on planning matters
  • provide for planning processes that are fair by making them open, accessible, timely and efficient
  • encourage co-operation and coordination among various interests
  • recognize the decision-making authority and accountability of municipal councils in planning.
What is the Province's role?
  •  issues provincial policy statements under the Planning Act
  • prepares provincial plans e.g. Greenbelt Plan and Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006
  • promotes provincial interests, such as protecting farmland, natural resources and the environment, as well as promoting development that is designed to be sustainable, supportive of public transit and oriented to pedestrians
  • provides one-window planning service to municipalities through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the primary provincial contact for advice and information on land use planning issues
  • gives advice to municipalities and the public on land use planning issues
  • administers local planning controls and gives approval where required.
What is the role of the Township?
  • makes local planning decisions that will determine the future of communities
  • prepares planning documents, such as:
  • an official plan, which sets out the municipality's general planning goals and policies that will guide future land use
  • zoning by-laws, which set the rules and regulations that control development as it occurs
  • ensures planning decisions and planning documents are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and conform or do not conflict with provincial plans.
What is the role of the County of Lanark?

The County of Lanark has the authority to approve consents (severances), plans of subdivision and condominium, condominium exemptions and part-lot control by-laws. For further information visit the following link Lanark County - Planning Approvals or contact the County of Lanark at 613-267-4200 and ask for the Planning Department.

What is the Provincial Policy Statement?

Under the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing may, from time to time, issue provincial statements on matters related to land use planning that are of provincial interest.

The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS, 2020) contains clear, overall policy directions on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development. 

What is an Official Plan?

The Montague Township Official Plan is a legal document under the Planning Act that came into force and effect on December 13. 2011. The Official Plan is a strategic planning document which guides the growth, development, and land use changes in Montague Township for the next 20 years and beyond.  The Official Plan (OP) determines how the Township will manage issues such as: agriculture, growth, housing, employment, aggregates and natural heritage conservation.

The Official Plan is required to be consistent with the provincial requirements for land use planning as expressed in the Provincial Policy Statement 2020.  There is also a requirement for the Township’s Official Plan to conform to the Lanark County Sustainable Communities Official Plan.

Why do Municipalities need an Official Plan?

An Official Plan:

  • Informs the public on what the province, county and municipality's general land use planning policies are.
  • makes sure that growth is coordinated and meets the community's needs.
  • helps all members of the community understand how their land may be used now and in the future.
  • helps decide where roads, parks, trails, and other services will be located.
  • provides a framework for establishing municipal zoning by-laws to set local regulations and standards, such as size of lots, or development setbacks from water or gravel pits.
  • provides a way to evaluate and settle conflicting land uses while meeting local, regional, and provincial interests; and,
  • shows Council's commitment to the sustainable future of the community.

For a copy of our May 2023 Office Consolidation, please click here.

For Schedule A, please click here.

For Schedule B, please click here.

For Schedule C, please click here.

Zoning By-Law

A zoning by-law controls the use of land in your community. It states exactly:

  • how land may be used
  • where buildings and other structures can be located
  • the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
  • the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street.

An official plan sets out the Township’s general policies for future land use. Zoning by-laws put the plan into effect and provide for its day-to-day administration. They contain specific requirements that are legally enforceable. Construction or new development that does not comply with a zoning by-law is not allowed, and the Township will refuse to issue a building permit.

Zoning By-Law Documents

Zoning By-law 4070-2024

Zoning By-law Schedule A

Zoning By-Law Schedule A-1


Zoning Compliance Report

Property Information Sheet

Thinking about or are in the process of purchasing property in Montague Township?

A Zoning Compliance Report provides you with:

  • Assessment mapping
  • Official Plan mapping
  • Zoning By-law mapping
  • The pertinent zoning information which will give the permitted uses and the various yard setback requirements for those uses.
  • Information on other zoning provisions that may affect the property.
  • A review of the property file is completed which may reveal items on file that would affect the property (i.e. outstanding local improvements, site plan control agreement, development agreement).

A zoning compliance report must be requested in writing with the following information:

  • assessment roll number
  • legal description (lot and concession)
  • contact information (mailing address, phone number)
  • how you would like to receive the report (pick-up, mail etc.)

Zoning compliance reports cost $50.00 per assessment roll number.

Payment must be received with the written request.


Minor Variance

The owner of a property or any person authorized in writing by the owner who is unable to comply with the provisions of the Zoning By-Law may apply to the Committee of Adjustment by means of an “Application for Minor Variance” for relief from the Zoning By-Law.  Minor Variances may be granted provided that, in the opinion of the Committee, the request is minor in nature, is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure and if in the opinion of the Committee, the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-Law and the Official Plan are maintained. A minor variance does not change a zoning by-law.  It simply excuses you from a specific requirement of the by-law and allows you to obtain a building permit.

The Committee of Adjustment is composed of 3 members, who are appointed by the Council of the Township of Montague. The authority of the Committee of Adjustment is set out in the Planning Act.

Minor Variance Applications

If you wish to apply to the Committee of Adjustment you should obtain and complete the application form. The application form outlines the requirements for submitting an application for minor variance.  The requirements include a site plan or survey which will indicate the location of the property, the setbacks of all buildings or structures on the property and sufficient information to clearly identify the variance required. If you are acting as an agent for the purposes of the application, a letter of authorization is required from the registered owner of the property.

Minor Variance Application

Applications are also available at the Municipal Office.

How Much will it Cost?

The application fee is outlined on the application form, payable at the time an application is submitted.  Fees may be paid by cash, cheque or debit.  If the fee is being paid by cheque, the cheque must be made payable to: “Township of Montague”.

What Happens Once the Application is Submitted?

The application is circulated to other Township Departments and various agencies for their comments.  Notice of all Committee of Adjustment applications is also sent, by mail, to all property owners within 60.0 meters (200 ft.) of the subject property.  Following the circulation period, all correspondence will be reviewed and the Township Planner will determine if the proposal meets all requirements and prepare a report for the Committee of Adjustment.  The Committee of Adjustment will then decide to approve, approve with conditions, or not approve the application.

What Happens at the Meeting?

At the hearing the Township Planner or Planning Assistant will present the Report to the Committee.  Presentations may also be made by any other interested parties in support of or in objection to your application.  The Committee considers all presentations for and against your proposal and renders a verbal decision in the presence of all interested parties at the time of the Public Meeting.  An approval of your application may be subject to such conditions and/or restrictions as the Committee deems appropriate.  If an individual wishes to receive a copy of a Committee decision their request must be in writing.

What Happens After the Meeting?

A written decision from the Committee will be sent to the applicant, agent and all persons that requested a copy of the decision by Certified Mail within ten days from the date of the hearing.  At the end of the twenty-day appeal period, if there has been no appeal filed, the decision will become final and binding.

Appeal Provisions

The decision of the Committee of Adjustment is subject to appeal within twenty days from the date that the decision is signed.  During the appeal period any person having an interest in the application may file an appeal of the Committee’s decision to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.  The notice of appeal is filed with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment.  The notice of appeal must be in writing and outline the reasons for the objection.  A cheque for the required fee, payable to “The Minister of Finance”, must be included with a notice of appeal.  The notice of appeal, the fee and all required documents will be forwarded by The Secretary-Treasurer to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Site Plan Control

The Site Plan review and approval process is a legislative tool under the Planning Act. Site Plan Control is a development review process which evaluates the layout of site features, (buildings, parking areas, landscaping, etc), but not the interior spaces of the proposed structures. It seeks to mitigate the impact of development.

Site plan control by-laws are not zoning by-laws. They are used to establish areas where site plan control will be applied over and above those set out in the zoning by-laws. These areas must be described in the official plan.

Site plan controls are used to ensure that:

  • developments are built and maintained in the way that council approved
  • new developments meet certain standards of quality and appearance
  • there is safe and easy access for pedestrians and vehicles
  • the appearance and design features of buildings, and their sustainable design, are satisfactory
  • there is adequate landscaping, parking and drainage
  • nearby properties are protected from incompatible development.

As a condition of site plan approval, the Township may require the owner to provide land for road widening.

By-law 3412-2014 to Designate the Township of Montague as a Site Plan Control Area
By-law 3926-2022 to Amend By-Law 3412-2014

Site Plan Control Applications

The application form outlines the requirements for submitting an application for Site Plan Control. If you are acting as an agent for the purposes of the application, a letter of authorization is required from the registered owner of the property.

Site Plan Application

Applications are also available at the Municipal Office. 

How Much will it Cost?

The application fee is outlined on the application form, payable at the time an application is submitted. Fees may be paid by cash, cheque or debit. If the fee is being paid by cheque, the cheque must be made payable to: “Township of Montague”.

What Happens Once the Application is Submitted?

The application is circulated to other Township Departments and various agencies for their comments. All correspondence will be reviewed and the Township Planner will prepare a report for the Committee of the Whole. The Committee will then make a decision. The decision does not become final until it is approved by Council. Council will then adopt a By-Law approving the necessary Site Plan Control Agreement that lists the various conditions for the specific development.

What Happens After the Meeting?

Once Council has passed the necessary By-Law approving the Site Plan Agreement both the Township and the Applicant sign the agreement. The legal agreement is then registered on title and binding on subsequent owners of the property.

Once all of the provisions of the agreement have been met, the Township will issue a Certificate of Compliance confirming that all provisions of the Agreement have been complied with in full.

Appeal Provisions

Only the Applicant can appeal the conditions of the Site Plan Control Approval to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Implementation and Enforcement of Site Plan Control Applications

The Township takes steps to ensure that the Site Plan Control Agreements are implemented and remain in force until the development is completed. Site Plan Control Agreements are registered on title and remain in effect for as long as the development is in place.

All land severances are governed by the Lanark County Land Division Committee (LCLDC). Applications for severances can be picked up at the Township Office, but must be submitted to the LCLDC in Perth. The Official Plan for the Township states that there can be a maximum of three severances from a property without a plan of subdivision.

For a link to the County of Lanark's webpage, please click here.

Consent Applications Scheduled for Land Division Committee

Notice of Application (NOA)                               Township Planning Report

NOA B22-073 (Mugford)                            Planning Report B22-073 (Mugford)

NOA B22-082/083 (Knox)                          Planning Report B22-082/083 (Knox)

NOA B20-106 (Michaelis)                          Planning Report B20-106 (Michaelis)

NOA B22-110/111/112 (Lee)                       Planning Report B22-110/111/112 (Lee)

Revised NOA B22-121/122 (Pratt)             Planning Report B22-121/122 (Pratt)

NOA B22-156 (Smith)                                 Planning Report B22-156 (Smith)

NOA B22-144 (McConnell)                         Planning Report B22-144 (McConnell)

NOA B23-025 (Lalonde)                             Planning Report B23-025 (Lalonde)

NOA B23-026/027 (Martens)                      Planning Report B23-026/027 (Martens)

NOA B23-045 (Fletcher)                             Planning Report B23-045 (Fletcher)

NOA B23-046/047/048 (Wiseman)            Planning Report B23-046/047/048 (Wiseman)

NOA B21-206 (Giff)                                    Planning Report B21-206 (Giff)

NOA B22-019 (Drummond)                        Planning Report B22-019 (Drummond)

NOA B23-079/080/081 (Campbell)             Planning Report B23-079/080/081 (Campbell)

NOA B23-133 (Lacroix)                               Planning Report B23-133 (Lacroix)

NOA B24-012 (Laferriere et al)                   Planning Report B24-012 (Laferriere et al)

NOA B24-030 (Lemieux)                             Planning Report B24-030 (Lemieux)

NOA B24-034 (Linton)                                       Planning Report B24-034 (Linton)

NOA B24-036 (Streight & Norris)

NOA B24-062 (Moulton & Curran)

Basic Requirements

Basic requirements for severances are:

  • Property must be 1 acre and have 46 metres of frontage on a road for residential use on rural zoned properties
  • Property must be 2 hectares for all other permitted uses on rural zoned properties.
  • Other zones may have other requirements. The Official Plan for the Township states that there can be a maximum of three severances from a property without a plan of subdivision.

Friday, 19 July 2019 16:24


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The Montague Township Public Works department is responsible for the maintenance of the 158.05 kilometers of road in the Township as well as drains, culverts, waste management, roadside mowing, and general maintenance.

Our after-hours emergency line for downed trees and roadway obstructions is: 613-284-1401

For information relating to County Roads, please call Lanark County Public Works at 613-267-1353

For intormation relating to Provincial Roads (Highway 15), please call the Ministry of Transportation at 1-888-362-1770


Surplus Equipment

The Township's Surplus equipment is posted on GovDeals when available. Please check back for future postings.


The Township of Montague’s Road Needs Study summarizes road system surveys conducted during the fall of 2019. All of the roads under the Township's jurisdiction were included in this survey. The road network in Montague Township includes loose top, surface treated and asphalt roads with varying traffic volumes throughout. Presented in this report is a recommended Ten Year Capital Program and a Loose Top Maintenance Program for the Township’s roads. These programs have been developed based on the historical capital spending and are intended to be a tool for Municipal Staff and Council during decision making processes.

To view this study, please click here

Municipal Consents / Work in Right-of-Way

Please follow this link for a municipal consent:

Once the consent has been approved, please complete the work in ROW permit:

Winter Maintenance

The Public Works department Township has a Winter Maintenance Policy that sets out the standards and expectations for road conditions during the winter season.  To view this policy, please click here

Noxious Weeds

The Public Works department documents all noxious weeds on road allowances throughout the Township. If you have a concern that noxious weeds, located on the Township's road allowance, are negatively impacting agriculture or horticulture, please contact the Public Works Department to assess. The County of Lanark has further information on their website regarding noxious weeds, please click here. 

For 2024, the road side noxious weeds program will be spraying the following areas: Wild Parsnip Spraying Locations 2024 

Public Notice of Spraying 2024


Grading and Shouldering

Grading of roads is dependent upon the impact the weather and traffic has upon the condition of the roadway. You cannot grade when the road is wet or about to receive heavy rain.

The first grading is usually light, which removes pot holes. The late spring grading shapes the road and prepares it for calcium chloride applications. Calcium Chloride is applied to freshly graveled roads and newly graded roads from May to June. This activity reduces the dust generated from traffic and helps maintain the graded shape of the road in the summer months.

Shouldering is conducted as required to ensure good drainage of water from the roadway.


Hot or cold mix materials are used in filling potholes, depressions, and restoring edges.


Selective subdivision roads are swept in late spring / early summer, preferably when wet to keep dust to a minimum.

Brushing and Ditching

These activities take place on selected lengths of roadway when growth of roadside brush begins to interfere with sight lines and road drainage.

Street Lighting

If a street light is out of order, please call the Township Office at 613-283-7478. We will need the pole number or the road name and the closest civic address number, in order to arrange repair of the street light.

Friday, 19 July 2019 16:16

By-Law Enforcement

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Montague's By-Law Enforcement Office is run on a contractual basis by Municipal Law Enforcement Services (MLES). If you would like to report any infractions, property standards issues, or loose dogs, please contact MLES directly at 613-809-7048 or email


The Township of Montague wishes to make the community safe, healthy and enjoyable place for all residents and those who visit the community. The Township has put in place various by-laws and regulations to encourage residents and businesses to be responsible and respectful of their neighbours and to contribute to the health and safety of our community.

The by-laws published on the Montague website are updated from time to time and are intended for information and general research purposes only. We cannot guarantee their accuracy or completeness as it is updated on an ongoing basis. A copy of the latest or final signed version of the by-law with the text and maps are available from the local Municipality by contacting the Township Clerk.

Commonly Requested By-Laws

A By-Law to regulate the keeping and control of animals, or any class thereof, the animal identification system, licencing and the restraint of dogs and certain other aspects of animal control within the Corporation of the Township of Montague.

 Animal Control By-Law Number 4004-2023

A by-law to provide for the collection of household garbage and recycling materials in the Township of Montague

 Waste Collection and Disposal By-Law Number 4046-2024

A by-law to regulate the setting and maintaining of Open Air Burning for the Corporation of the Township of Montague.

 Open Air Burning By-Law Number 3635-2018

Property Standards By-Law No. 2801-2004 /   Amended Property Standard By-Law 3995-2023 

A by-law to provide standards for the maintenance and occupancy of Urban and Rural property within the Township of Montague

A by-law to regulate the height, description and location of fences in the Township of Montague

 Fence By-Law Number 1197-80

A by-law to regulate pool enclosures within the Township of Montague

 Pool By-Law Number 3010-2008


The Township has put in place various policies and regulations to be able to serve the community as best it can, and make the community as safe and inclusive as possible.

The policies published on the Montague website are updated from time to time and are intended for information and general research purposes only. We cannot guarantee their accuracy or completeness as it is updated on an ongoing basis.

Commonly Requested Policies

This policy is intended to enable the Township to promptly and effectively address program and service delivery concerns raised by members of the public. The policy will assist the Township in providing excellent service to the public, and contribute to continuous improvement of operations.

Customer Service Policy

The Township of Montague is committed to providing service in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allow them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers.

Customer Service Standards- Accessibility

In order to ensure the consistent, fair and equitable treatment of all donation requests, this policy has been developed to establish eligibility criteria and guidelines to administer such solicitations. All requests for a donation must be made through the application process as outlined in this policy. Individual departments or employees have no authority to approve/grant donations requests.

  Donation/Grant Policy

Thursday, 18 July 2019 15:11

Construction & Renovation Projects

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The building department is responsible for dealing with all applications and ensuring compliance under the Ontario Building Code. 

The Chief Building Official (CBO) is Jim Hunter and his office hours are 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. He can be reached by e-mail at  or by phone at (613) 283-7478.

A full list of Building Fees can be viewed in the by-law here: Building Fees 2024.

Development Charges are in addition to these fees - Township DC can be viewed here: Development Charges 2022 and County DC can be viewed here: Development Charges 2021

A building permit is required for any structure measuring more than 108 square feet (10 m2), including farm structures. All fees must be paid prior to commencement of any construction.

Building Permits are required for:

  • any free standing structures over 100 sq. ft.
  • additions to existing structures over 100 sq. ft.
  • garages,
  • decks,
  • plumbing or alterations to plumbing
  • both residential and commercial renovations/alterations
  • accessory buildings,
  • swimming pools, and
  • the installation of a wood stove or outdoor furnace, and
  • demolitions.

If you are thinking about a construction project, we recommend contact the building department in your early planning stages so we can help identify the steps for your consideration and this will avoid any potential costly delays and disappointments.

We wish to emphasize that the Building Department enforces the Ontario Building Code. Questions concerning Zoning or land use By-Laws should be directed to the Planning Department and any questions concerning property drainage and grading should be directed to the Public Works Department.

New Home? An entrance permit must be in place either from the Province, the County of Lanark or the Township of Montague Public Works Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Final inspection of the entrance must be completed before occupancy is permitted in new construction projects.

Entrance Permits

Mailboxes installed on Township roadsides are permitted as a courtesy and are the responsibility of the property owner. Posts for mail boxes should be forty-two inches above the ground, with the front of the mailbox eight inches from the edge of the road or shoulder. Posts should be 4x4 inch wood posts or a two-inch thin wall steel pipe.

During the winter the Township will not clear entrance culverts that have become blocked as a result of improper snow disposal by the resident. Culverts that collapse, deteriorate or become unsuitable for proper drainage at any time must be replaced by the property owner at their own expense.

Roadside ditches are not a public utility; property owners do not have the right to outlet to roadside ditches. The Township reserves the right to remove or restrict any outlets to ditches that cause operational issues or damage to the drainage system. If you need to direct water to the Township’s ditches, it is recommended that you contact the Township’s Public Works Department before proceeding.

Existing entrances that are affected by the reconstruction/rehabilitation of a Township Road will be reinstated by the Township of Montague. If you are having your driveway re-paved, consider having the Public Works department check the condition of the entrance beforehand. If you are building a new home, your building permit cannot be issued until the Building Department receives confirmation that you have applied for an entrance through Public Works.

All land severances are governed by the Lanark County Land Division Committee (LCLDC). Applications for severances can be picked up at the Township Office, but must be submitted to the LCLDC in Perth. The Official Plan for the Township states that there can be a maximum of three severances from a property without a plan of subdivision.

Basic Requirements

Basic requirements for severances are:

  • Property must be 1 acre and have 46 metres of frontage on a road for residential use on rural zoned properties
  • Property must be 2 hectares for all other permitted uses on rural zoned properties.
  • Other zones may have other requirements. The Official Plan for the Township states that there can be a maximum of three severances from a property without a plan of subdivision.

The Line Fences Act provides a procedure for the resolution of line fence disputes between owners of adjoining properties. The act does not deal with disputes about fences that are not on a boundary line.

When is the Line Fences Act Used

The Line Fences Act is applicable in the following two situations:

  • No fence currently exists at the boundary between the two properties and one owner wants a new fence to be constructed to mark the boundary
  • Where a line fence already exists, and one owner believes that it needs to be reconstructed or repaired
Fence Viewers

To solve this, property owners can request that the Township assign “fence-viewers” to resolve the dispute and issue a decision.  A fence-viewer can only address two situations:

  • The appointment of responsibility for the fencing work between the two owners
  • The description of the fence that is to be constructed or reconstructed on the boundary line, including the materials to be used

The Township of Montague encourages property owners to attempt to reach a peaceful solution before contacting the Township to help resolve the issue. However, if you are experiencing a dispute, please contact the Clerk to discuss the problem or receive further information. If a viewing is conducted, ALL costs are to be paid by one or both of the property owners.

Thursday, 18 July 2019 12:56

Taxes & Utilities

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Property taxes are the major source of revenue for the Township. The base for property taxation is the assessment roll, which defines classes and the types of properties subject to taxation. The assessment roll comes from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Information included in the roll is then used to determine tax rates and to levy taxes. Your property taxes are calculated by multiplying the assessed value of your property and the combined municipal, County (Upper Tier) and education rates. Tax rates are determined and taxes levied after Council adopts an annual budget of estimated revenues and expenditures. The final budget document for 2024 can be found here.

Property tax billing occurs twice per year. Interim billing is sent out in March with instalment payments due at the end of March and June. Final billing is sent out in August with instalment payments due at the end of August and October.

Normally Interest, calculated at 1.25% each month, is added on the first day of each month on any tax arrears. Pay on time to avoid any late fees.

There is a $5 fee for a reprint of a tax bill, emails are free. Keep your final tax bill for income tax purposes.

Tax certificates and zoning certificates cost $50.

ATTENTION:  Sign up to receive your Tax Billings by email instead of by mail!  Simply fill out the Email Consent Form and return it to the township office.

How To Pay Your Tax Bill

Tax payments may be made in any of the following ways:

  • cash, cheque or debt (no credit cards) in person at the Township office;
  • drop box, located at the main door for those who cannot make it to the office during regular hours ‐ please do not leave cash
  • mail a cheque or money order;
  • at any Chartered bank, Internet or telephone banking – please allow 3 -5 days for the payment to reach us
  • post-dated cheques
  • pre-authorized payment plan consisting of 12 monthly payments being withdrawn on the last working day of each month.

Preauthorized Payment Plan for Property Tax and Utilities Payments

Application forms for automatic monthly withdrawals directly from your bank account are available for download or in person at the Township Office.

Internet & Telephone Banking Customers

When paying your tax bill by Internet or telephone banking, you must use an eight-digit portion of your 19-digit roll number located at the top left-hand corner of your tax bill.  Please use the following EXAMPLE to guide you:

09 01 000 (_ _ _  _ _ _ _ _) 0000

All eight digits located in the brackets must be used in order to ensure your account will be properly credited.

Unless paying in person, allow 3‐5 business days for your payment to reach us.

Note: There is a $5 fee for a reprint of a tax bill. Keep your final tax bill for income tax purposes.

Water and Sewer

Water and sewer services are provided to most of the township by private wells and septic systems. However, for those living in the Atironto subdivision on the border of Smiths Falls, water and sewer services are provided by the Town of Smiths Falls. Those residents are then billed by Montague Township for the services.  Bills are sent out every two months. The approved water and sewer budget for 2024 can be found here

Utility Fee Schedule (bi-monthly)
Atironto - Water & Sewer Rates Effective January 1, 2024
Base Water$98.96
Consumption - Water (per cubic metres)$2.176
Base Sewer$93.94
Consumption - Sewer (per cubic metres)$2.275
Rideau - Water & Sewer Rates Effective January 1, 2024
Base Water$146.31
Consumption - Water (per cubic metres)$ 1.978
Base Sewer$146.35

Weekly testing is done for residents who are on the Montague Township distribution system. The Township of Montague has contracted the services of Caduceon Environmental Laboratories in Kingston to perform the testing of Heterotrophic Plate Count, Total Coliform and E. coli.

Any Resident who would like their water tested can come out to the Township Office and pick up sample kit. All samples must be returned to the Health Unit located at 25 Johnston St, Smiths Falls, ON K7A 0A4 between Monday and Thursday.


Hydro One provides all hydro facilities to the Township. For all inquiries visit their website at or 1-877-955-1155.

Natural Gas

The Township of Montague has service for natural gas through Enbridge. They can be contacted at 1-877-362-7434 or by visiting their website at

Wednesday, 17 July 2019 15:56

Emergency Services

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In an Emergency, always call 9-1-1

  • No Burn Ban in Effect 

    There is no burn ban in effect.  It is legal to burn outdoors according to the by-law and the Ontario Fire Code. As always, be careful and take precautions to ensure both your safety and the safety of those around you when managing a fire.

    When you plan to burn, you MUST contact the Township Office at 613-283-7478 and provide your name, the address of the burn and a contact number.

Fire protection in the Township is provided by the Montague Township Volunteer Fire Department headed up by Fire Chief Miles Greer. The Department is made up of 25 volunteer firefighters. In addition to providing fire services to Montague, the Department also participates in the Lanark County Mutual Aid program whereby municipalities can call on the services of neighboring fire departments to help them out in an emergency.

Become a Volunteer Firefighter!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter, please fill out an application and provide a resume. 

MFD Recruitment Package

The application and resume can be dropped off at the Township Office (6547 Roger Stevens Dr.) or e-mailed to the Fire Chief.

Burn permits are required for all open-air fires in the Township. Outdoor burning is not permitted in the subdivisions of Atironto and Woods.

A separate permit is now required for those who plan to have a windrow burn.

When you plan to burn, you must contact the Township Office at 613-283-7478 during regular business hours. There is no cost for this permit and it is NOT necessary to renew it each year. Permits accessed online must be filled out and emailed to the Fire Chief, who will then issue a permit number in a reply email within two weeks.

Every home in Ontario must have working alarms on every story and outside all sleeping areas. IT’S THE LAW!

  • Homeowners - It is the responsibility of homeowners to install and maintain smoke alarms on every story of their home and outside sleeping areas.
  • Landlords - It is the responsibility of landlords to ensure their rental properties comply with the law.
  • Tenants - If you are a tenant of a rental property and do not have the required number of smoke alarms, contact your landlord immediately. It is against the law for tenants to remove the batteries or tamper with the alarm in any way.

When installing smoke alarms, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for information about correct placement.

  • Test your smoke alarms every month using the test button.
  • Replace smoke alarm batteries at least once a year, and whenever the low-battery warning chirps.
  • Smoke alarms don’t last forever. Replace smoke alarms with new ones if they are more than ten years old.
  • Steam from the shower or cooking in the oven, stove or toaster can cause smoke alarms to activate. DO NOT REMOVE THE BATTERY. Instead, try moving the alarm to a different location, or purchase a smoke alarm with a hush feature that will temporarily silence the alarm.
  • Carbon monoxide alarms will now be required near all sleeping areas in residential homes and in the service rooms, and adjacent sleeping areas in multi-residential units. Carbon monoxide alarms can be hardwired, battery-operated or plugged into the wall. 

Failure to comply with the fire code smoke alarm requirements could result in a $235 ticket or a fine between $50,000 and $100,000.

Smoke/CO2 Alarm Inspections

Montague Township Fire Department would like to help your family stay safe. As part of a community‐wide fire‐prevention effort, firefighters from the Montague Fire Department will visit local residents to inspect smoke/CO2 alarms, replace batteries or help install alarms. Help with a fire‐safety plan for your home is also available.

Appointments to have two firefighters visit your home can be made by calling the Montague Fire Department at 283‐7478. There is no charge for this service.

Each year, on the second Saturday of September, the Montague Volunteer Fire Department holds a Pit Barbecue Fundraiser for at Rosedale Hall, 657 Rosedale Road South. This famous pit barbecue offers delicious beef and pork cooked overnight in a large pit, so be sure to watch our social media pages, website and August tax bill mailout for ticket information.

Please be advised that the Chief Fire Official has the authority to enforce the Fire Code within his or her jurisdiction and should be contacted prior to implementing any opinion expressed here.

 Emergency: 911

For non-emergencies: 1‑888‑310‑1122

O.P.P. East Region Headquarters, 525 Queen St, Smiths Falls, ON K7A 5K8

CSWB PlanClick to open the documentPolicing in Montague Township is provided by the O.P.P. on a contractual basis.

The Montague Police Services Board is the independent body that provides direction and accountability to the OPP. 

If you have any questions or concerns about policing within the Township, you can contact any of the Board members or Board secretary Allison Vereyken.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019 14:12

Report a Problem

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To report a problem or issue to the Township, please download the fillable PDF form below and email the completed form to

Tuesday, 16 July 2019 15:45

Garbage & Recycling

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Montague runs a curbside collection program through Glenview Iron and Metal (GIM) for garbage pickup and Emterra Group for recycling pickup.  Make sure you put your garbage and recycling at the curbside by 7:00 am on the scheduled day of collection. Only household garbage will be collected on pickup days.



RoadPickup Date
Beckwith BoundaryWednesday
Ellen MaloneyWednesday
Highway 15Wednesday
Industrial RoadWednesday
Kelly JordanWednesday
Matheson (West of Rosedale)Wednesday
Montague BoundaryWednesday
Roger Stevens (West of Rosedale)Wednesday
Rosedale NorthWednesday
William CampbellWednesday
Bayview CresFriday
Bayview LaneFriday
Boat LaunchFriday
Harper CondieFriday
Highway 43Friday
Matheson (East of Rosedale)Friday
Old OrchardFriday
Rainbow ValleyFriday
Rideau North (Carsville)Friday
Rideau RiverFriday
Rideau SouthFriday
Roger Stevens (East of Rosedale)Friday
Rosedale South to Highway 43Friday


Household Hazardous Waste

The Household Hazardous Waste Depot is OPEN for the 2024 season. The depot is located in Carleton Place, at 128 Patterson Crescent. Proof of residency is required! See here for more information:

Or, you can follow this link to determine where to take hazardous waste:


Garbage Tags

Effective January 1, 2023, the Township of Montague is moving forward with two (2) untagged bags of garbage each week. Additional bags must have a municipal bag tag. There will be NO allocation of municipal bag tags, however tags can still be purchased for $6 each at the Township Office. Residents who have not yet picked up the 2022 allocation of tags may do so until January 9, 2023.

For more information about these changes please click on 4046-2024 Procedure for Waste Collection and Disposal By-Law

How often is garbage collected?

  • Garbage is collected once a week.
  • Only non-recyclable items should be placed in the garbage.
  • Curbside collection is for bagged household garbage, blue or yellow box recycling only. No large item pick up, no leaf & yard waste.

Starting July 1st, 2023, the Township of Montague, like many other communities across Ontario, will no longer be responsible for the provision of recycling services, as Circular Materials will begin to manage recycling services for residential properties.  

Residential Concerns

  • Starting July 1st, all services will operate the same (there are no changes to recycling collection or accepted materials), Circular Materials will continue to provide the same service level.
  • Residents with recycling complaints, concerns, or requests for a new or replacement recycling bin will no longer contact the Township office, instead they will need to contact Emterra directly at 1-888-597-1541 or .
  • Starting July 1st, residents can visit the Circular Materials website at for information pertaining to recycling. We will update our website with recycling information as it becomes available from Circular Materials.

 Dual stream Recycling is a system where recyclable materials are separated into two streams - Containers and Fibres. Your recyclables - must be separated and placed in two separate recycling boxes. Please do not bag any recyclables – only shredded paper will be accepted in a clear plastic bag on fibre weeks.

Containers (Plastics) belong in a yellow box.

*All items should be rinsed and be free of grease, food, and other residue.*

  • Plastics  - Plastics labelled #1, 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7 – Including plastic bottles, lids, plastic food containers, jugs and trays
  • Glass – Glass bottles and jars
  • Metal – Tin, Beverage containers, aluminum cans, empty steel paint cans (no plastic paint cans or cans with plastic bottoms)
  • Food and Beverage cartons – Boxed containers for beverages and soups (milk [dairy, soy, almond, etc.], juice, soup, broth)
  • No Styrofoam

Fibres (Paper) belong in a blue box.

  • Paper – Newspaper, magazines, printer paper and writing paper, junk mail, and shredded paper (placed in clear plastic bag)
  • Cardboard – Corrugated cardboard, brown, paper bags, box board - Folded down into bundles no larger than 4’ x 4’ x 1’

Please follow the acceptable items guidelines to know what material to put in which box.

Recycling is to be placed roadside by 7 a.m.

For Recycling Collection questions or complaints please contact Emterra at 1-888-597-1541 or by emailing

The 2024 Collection Calendar is here! PLEASE NOTE: Good Friday Collection for GARBAGE remains the same, but RECYCLING is pushed to the Saturday.

The Township shall complete a large item collection twice yearly; the first being the first full week of June, and the second being the first full week of October.

2024 large item dates are scheduled for June 3rd and 7th, and October 7th and 11th. If your regular collection date is Wednesday, your Large Item date will be the MONDAY. Friday regular collection and Large Item is the same day, based on truck availability. Large Items require ONE (1) SILVER tag, which can be purchased for $6.00 each at the Township office (cash, debit or cheque), Milano's Pizza in Merrickville (cash only) or Mr. Gas in Smiths Falls (cash only).

Every appliance must have an appropriate tag stating that the refrigeration has been removed by a certified technician.

Reducing waste = climate action

  • Change for climate by reducing your waste and by diverting it properly. Garbage sent to landfill contributes to climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions

Waste GreenhouseGas Landfill


  • Save money on bag tags and compost your kitchen and yard waste. Composters can be purchased at the Township Office for $47.00 (tax included)

Read more information about composting by clicking here.

FourSeasonsOfComposting poster

Real Deal Store accepts and sells quality reusable household goods, furniture and building materials. Also, they now collect e-waste at their store. For more information call 613-283-7999 or

Montague white logo

Township of Montague

6547 Roger Stevens Drive
P.O. Box 755
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 4W6

Phone: 613‑283‑7478

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.