Montague's By-Law Enforcement/Animal Control Office is run on a contractual basis by Municipal Law Enforcement Services (MLES). If you would like to report any infractions, property standards issues, or loose dogs, please contact MLES directly at 613-809-7048 or email
The Township of Montague wishes to make the community safe, healthy and enjoyable place for all residents and those who visit the community. The Township has put in place various by-laws and regulations to encourage residents and businesses to be responsible and respectful of their neighbours and to contribute to the health and safety of our community.
The by-laws published on the Montague website are updated from time to time and are intended for information and general research purposes only. We cannot guarantee their accuracy or completeness as it is updated on an ongoing basis. A copy of the latest or final signed version of the by-law with the text and maps are available from the local Municipality by contacting the Township Clerk.
Commonly Requested By-Laws
A By-Law to regulate the keeping and control of animals, or any class thereof, the animal identification system, licencing and the restraint of dogs and certain other aspects of animal control within the Corporation of the Township of Montague. Animal Control By-Law Number 4004-2023
A by-law to provide for the collection of household garbage and recycling materials in the Township of Montague Waste Collection and Disposal By-Law Number 4046-2024
A by-law to regulate the setting and maintaining of Open Air Burning for the Corporation of the Township of Montague. Open Air Burning By-Law Number 4118-2025
Property Standards By-Law No. 2801-2004 / Amended Property Standard By-Law 3995-2023 A by-law to provide standards for the maintenance and occupancy of Urban and Rural property within the Township of Montague A by-law to regulate the height, description and location of fences in the Township of Montague
The Township has put in place various policies and regulations to be able to serve the community as best it can, and make the community as safe and inclusive as possible.
The policies published on the Montague website are updated from time to time and are intended for information and general research purposes only. We cannot guarantee their accuracy or completeness as it is updated on an ongoing basis.
Commonly Requested Policies
This policy is intended to enable the Township to promptly and effectively address program and service delivery concerns raised by members of the public. The policy will assist the Township in providing excellent service to the public, and contribute to continuous improvement of operations.
The Township of Montague is committed to providing service in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allow them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers. Customer Service Standards- Accessibility
In order to ensure the consistent, fair and equitable treatment of all donation requests, this policy has been developed to establish eligibility criteria and guidelines to administer such solicitations. All requests for a donation must be made through the application process as outlined in this policy. Individual departments or employees have no authority to approve/grant donations requests.