The Montague Township Public Works department is responsible for the maintenance of the 158.05 kilometers of road in the Township as well as drains, culverts, waste management, roadside mowing, and general maintenance.
Our after-hours emergency line for downed trees and roadway obstructions is: 613-284-1401
For information relating to County Roads, please call Lanark County Public Works at 613-267-1353
For information relating to Provincial Roads (Highway 15), please call the Ministry of Transportation at 1-888-362-1770
The Township's Surplus equipment is posted on GovDeals when available. Please check back for future postings.
The Township of Montague’s Road Needs Study summarizes road system surveys conducted during the fall of 2019. All of the roads under the Township's jurisdiction were included in this survey. The road network in Montague Township includes loose top, surface treated and asphalt roads with varying traffic volumes throughout. Presented in this report is a recommended Ten Year Capital Program and a Loose Top Maintenance Program for the Township’s roads. These programs have been developed based on the historical capital spending and are intended to be a tool for Municipal Staff and Council during decision making processes. To view this study, please click here
Please follow this link for a municipal consent: Once the consent has been approved, please complete the work in ROW permit:
The Public Works department Township has a Winter Maintenance Policy that sets out the standards and expectations for road conditions during the winter season. To view this policy, please click here.
The Public Works department documents all noxious weeds on road allowances throughout the Township. If you have a concern that noxious weeds, located on the Township's road allowance, are negatively impacting agriculture or horticulture, please contact the Public Works Department to assess. The County of Lanark has further information on their website regarding noxious weeds, please click here. Public Notice of Spraying 2024 PLEASE NOTE: PINERY ROAD WILL BE BOOM SPRAYED INSTEAD OF SPOT SPRAYED. THIS CHANGE IS EFEFCTIVE JUNE 19, 2024.
Grading of roads is dependent upon the impact the weather and traffic has upon the condition of the roadway. You cannot grade when the road is wet or about to receive heavy rain. The first grading is usually light, which removes pot holes. The late spring grading shapes the road and prepares it for calcium chloride applications. Calcium Chloride is applied to freshly graveled roads and newly graded roads from May to June. This activity reduces the dust generated from traffic and helps maintain the graded shape of the road in the summer months. Shouldering is conducted as required to ensure good drainage of water from the roadway.
Hot or cold mix materials are used in filling potholes, depressions, and restoring edges.
Selective subdivision roads are swept in late spring / early summer, preferably when wet to keep dust to a minimum.
These activities take place on selected lengths of roadway when growth of roadside brush begins to interfere with sight lines and road drainage.
If a street light is out of order, please call the Township Office at 613-283-7478. We will need the pole number or the road name and the closest civic address number, in order to arrange repair of the street light.
Surplus Equipment
Municipal Consents / Work in Right-of-Way
Winter Maintenance
Noxious Weeds
For 2024, the road side noxious weeds program will be spraying the following areas: Wild Parsnip Spraying Locations 2024 Grading and Shouldering
Brushing and Ditching
Street Lighting