Phone: (613) 283-7478 Email:

Construction & Renovation Projects

The building department is responsible for dealing with all applications and ensuring compliance under the Ontario Building Code. 

A full list of Building Fees can be viewed in the by-law here: Building Fees 2024.

Development Charges are in addition to these fees - Township DC can be viewed here: Development Charges 2022 and County DC can be viewed here: Development Charges 2021

A building permit is required for any structure measuring more than 108 square feet (10 m2), including farm structures. All fees must be paid prior to commencement of any construction.

Building Permits are required for:

  • any free standing structures over 100 sq. ft.
  • additions to existing structures over 100 sq. ft.
  • garages,
  • decks,
  • plumbing or alterations to plumbing
  • both residential and commercial renovations/alterations
  • accessory buildings,
  • swimming pools, and
  • the installation of a wood stove or outdoor furnace, and
  • demolitions.

If you are thinking about a construction project, we recommend contact the building department in your early planning stages so we can help identify the steps for your consideration and this will avoid any potential costly delays and disappointments.

We wish to emphasize that the Building Department enforces the Ontario Building Code. Questions concerning Zoning or land use By-Laws should be directed to the Planning Department and any questions concerning property drainage and grading should be directed to the Public Works Department.

New Home? An entrance permit must be in place either from the Province, the County of Lanark or the Township of Montague Public Works Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Final inspection of the entrance must be completed before occupancy is permitted in new construction projects.

Entrance Permits

Mailboxes installed on Township roadsides are permitted as a courtesy and are the responsibility of the property owner. Posts for mail boxes should be forty-two inches above the ground, with the front of the mailbox eight inches from the edge of the road or shoulder. Posts should be 4x4 inch wood posts or a two-inch thin wall steel pipe.

During the winter the Township will not clear entrance culverts that have become blocked as a result of improper snow disposal by the resident. Culverts that collapse, deteriorate or become unsuitable for proper drainage at any time must be replaced by the property owner at their own expense.

Roadside ditches are not a public utility; property owners do not have the right to outlet to roadside ditches. The Township reserves the right to remove or restrict any outlets to ditches that cause operational issues or damage to the drainage system. If you need to direct water to the Township’s ditches, it is recommended that you contact the Township’s Public Works Department before proceeding.

Existing entrances that are affected by the reconstruction/rehabilitation of a Township Road will be reinstated by the Township of Montague. If you are having your driveway re-paved, consider having the Public Works department check the condition of the entrance beforehand. If you are building a new home, your building permit cannot be issued until the Building Department receives confirmation that you have applied for an entrance through Public Works.

The Line Fences Act provides a procedure for the resolution of line fence disputes between owners of adjoining properties. The act does not deal with disputes about fences that are not on a boundary line.

When is the Line Fences Act Used

The Line Fences Act is applicable in the following two situations:

  • No fence currently exists at the boundary between the two properties and one owner wants a new fence to be constructed to mark the boundary
  • Where a line fence already exists, and one owner believes that it needs to be reconstructed or repaired
Fence Viewers

To solve this, property owners can request that the Township assign “fence-viewers” to resolve the dispute and issue a decision.  A fence-viewer can only address two situations:

  • The appointment of responsibility for the fencing work between the two owners
  • The description of the fence that is to be constructed or reconstructed on the boundary line, including the materials to be used

The Township of Montague encourages property owners to attempt to reach a peaceful solution before contacting the Township to help resolve the issue. However, if you are experiencing a dispute, please contact the Clerk to discuss the problem or receive further information. If a viewing is conducted, ALL costs are to be paid by one or both of the property owners.

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Township of Montague

6547 Roger Stevens Drive
P.O. Box 755
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 4W6

Phone: 613‑283‑7478

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.