The Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act allows Municipal Clerks and other Officials to take various types of declarations and to administer oaths. Documents requiring a Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits can be commissioned at the Township Office. The request for Commissioner of Oaths service must be made by the same individual taking the oath and signing the document. There is no fee for the Township's Commissioner of Oaths service.
You are not required to book an appointment for a Commissioner of Oaths; however, walk-in appointments are based on availability of the Commissioner. Complete your document before visiting the Township Office, but DO NOT sign the affidavit section of the document. The Commissioner of Oaths will witness the signature(s) of person(s) who are affirming/declaring the contents of a document to be true.
In the presence of the Township's Commissioner, you must:
- present your completed document
- present one piece of original and valid government-issued identification showing your name, photo and signature (photocopies, scanned copies and pictures on electronic devices will not be accepted)
- additional identification pertaining to other individuals included in the affidavit (as required)
- sign the affidavit section of the document in the presence of the Commissioner
There is no guarantee that a document can be commissioned until it is seen by the Commissioner. The Townships's Commissioner of Oaths reserves the right to refuse commissioning services of ANY document.
- delayed birth registration forms / applications to amend birth registration
- election to change of name of child under the age of 12 (ServiceOntario form)
- statutory declaration by an applicant to correct an error in registration
- consent letter for children travelling out of the country (commonly referred to as a travel document)
- legal name change application
- Pension Attestations that a person is alive / confirming residency
- Common Law or Single status affidavits
- Statutory Declaration for Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) – Statement of Common Law Status/Supporting Children
- vehicle ownership transfers (Sworn Statement for a Transfer of a Used Vehicle in the Province of Ontario)
- Statement of Conscious or Religious Belief - Immunization of School Pupils Act
- Statutory Declaration In Lieu of Guarantor – for Canadian Passport
- Statutory Declaration of Lost Identification
- Township of Montague planning applications
Under the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C. 17, the following documents listed below cannot be commissioned:
- age of majority/Ontario photo ID applications
- any documents requiring the signature of a guarantor (document will note this requirement)
- court, legal and/or civil documents
- custody documents
- financial documents (banking information, RRSP, etc.)
- marriage, divorce, separation, or cohabitation documents
- documents noting the signature of a Notary Public is required
- estate settlement documents
- international educational institution or association documents, including photographs
- custody documents
- Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services Family Responsibility Office forms
- powers of attorney
- real estate documents, including transfers of land and rental lease agreements
- transfers of money or estates of a deceased person
- wills, living wills, codicils (amendments) to a will
- Forms which call upon a Commissioner of Oath, yet also request certified true copies of other documents as attachments. Because the Commissioner cannot certify attachments, they cannot sign the affixed application (as listed above, the only exception is that of a federal government permanent residency application);
- Affidavits of true identity required for an applicant of a marriage license. These must be signed by a notary public.
- certified true copies
Notary Public
A Commissioner of Oaths is not a "Notary Public". If your document is required to be signed by a Notary Public, you must contact a lawyer and/or Notary Public.