Phone: (613) 283-7478 Email:

Township Info - Contact Directory

Township of Montague
P.O. Box 755, 6547 Roger Stevens Drive
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 4W6
Phone: (613) 283-7478
Fax: (613) 283-3112



Emergency After Hours: (613) 284-1401

Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday:
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Council Directory

Reeve Karen Jennings 613-284-3994
Deputy Reeve Jeffrey Carroll 613-323-4121
Councillor Jim Abbass 613-223-5433
Councillor Gerald Crabtree 613-866-1918
Councillor Trevor Johnson 613-859-7145

Staff Directory

Administrator / Treasurer Allison Vereyken ext. 250
Chief Building Official Tracy Gallipeau-Nolan ext. 270
Clerk / Junior Planner Kirsten Cote ext. 260
Inspector - Building & Septic Jordan Hammill ext. 270
Deputy Clerk Vacant ext. 280
Finance Clerk Jennifer Crane ext. 290
Fire Chief / Water Operator / CEMC Miles Greer ext. 300
Public Works Manager Ed Haynes  ext. 210

Emergency Services - Contacts


Fire 9-1-1
Police 9-1-1
Ambulance 9-1-1
Poison Control Centre 1-800-268-9017
Smiths Falls Hospital 613-283-2330

Montague white logo

Township of Montague

6547 Roger Stevens Drive
P.O. Box 755
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 4W6

Phone: 613‑283‑7478

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.