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The Agenda will be posted on the municipal website when available. This meeting will be held in-camera in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001.
Are you or someone you know interested in making a difference in your community? How about joining our team of volunteer firefighters?! We're accepting applications until February 28, 2025 at 12:00 noon. They can be emailed to the Fire Chief () or dropped off in-person at the Township Office. Electronic application pac...
Through a third-party consulting firm (Nustadia Recreation Inc), the Town of Smiths Falls is conducting a feasibility study concerning the future direction for the Youth Arena. Please complete the recreation facilities survey, which is anonymous - individual responses will be kept confidential. Thank you for helping shape the future of re...
The Agenda will be posted online when available. This meeting will be held in-camera in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001.
The Township is currently undertaking a Fire Master Plan and we are looking for Community Feedback! Complete the Survey below:
We want your feedback! Complete the strategic plan survey by December 13, 2024! Access the survey here: or stop in at the Township Office for a paper copy!
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of Montague will hold an in-person and livestreamed Public Meeting on the 17th day of December, 2024, at 6:00pm to consider the passage of a By-law to convey LT 152 PL 2707 LANARK S MONTAGUE; TWP OF MONTAGUE, which is deemed surplus to the needs of the municipality, to adjacent landowner, Ivan Ace...
A culvert replacement is taking place next week! Burchill Road will be closed at Richardson all the way south to Heritage Drive/Broadway Street! Please plan an alternate route or use the detour noted in the below post & map. Questions? Contact our Public Works Manager by phone or email!
Council would like your feedback on the second DRAFT 2025 Budget! Provide feedback to until December 4, 2024. Your comments and feedback will be provided to Council at the final draft budget meeting on December 17, 2024. Download PDF File Here Download PDF File Here
6547 Roger Stevens Drive
P.O. Box 755
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 4W6
Phone: 613‑283‑7478
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.