By Montague Admin on Thursday, 21 December 2023
Category: Public Notices

Notice of Meeting - Parks & Donaldson-Parks

TAKE NOTICE the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Montague will hold an in-person and livestreamed Public Hearing on the 16th day of January, 2024, at 6:00pm to hear an application for a minor variance in accordance with Section 45 of the Planning Act. To assist the Committee in its review of the proposal, you are requested to provide comments on or before January 10th, 2024.

PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The proposed Minor Variance is being requested to increase the separation distance between the existing primary dwelling and the proposed second dwelling from 30m (as established in Zoning By-law Amendment 3850-2021) to 39m.

OTHER RELATED APPLICATIONS: The subject land is not currently subject to any other applications under the Planning Act.

PUBLIC HEARING: You are entitled to attend this public hearing in person, or you may be represented by counsel or an agent to provide information, to comment, or to ask questions about this application. Signed, written submissions that relate to the application shall be accepted by the secretary-treasurer before or during the hearing of the application at the address above and shall be available to any interested person for inspection at the hearing.
If you wish to observe only, the Public Meeting can be viewed live on the Township of Montague's YouTube channel

FAILURE TO ATTEND HEARING: If you do not attend this public hearing, it may proceed in your absence and, except as otherwise provided in the Planning Act, you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings.

NOTICE OF DECISION: A certified copy of the decision, together with a notice of the last day for appealing to the Ontario Land Tribunal shall be sent, not later than 10 days from the making of the decision, to the applicant, and to each person who filed with the secretary-treasurer a written request for notice of the decision.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about this matter, contact the Junior Planner.I